Action Plans for Healthy Schools Plus
Use the example action plans below to help define the outcomes you aim to achieve. Each example plan shows the priority it would be suitable for, the outcomes you could expect to achieve and a series of milestones to work through along the way.
- Increase the number of pupils who are confident to report bullying from xx to xx
- Increase the number of children who report that they feel the schools deals well with bullying from xx% to xx%
- To increase the number of vulnerable children/young people who report feeling safe at school from xx% to xx%. E.g. Children who have been bullied due to disability, sexuality, race or religion.
Anti-bullying (MS Word, 517 Kb)
Emotional health and wellbeing
- Quantitative: Decrease in the number of behaviour related incidents at break and lunchtimes from xx to xx(max) per week. (Recorded by school behaviour tracking system)
- Qualitative: Increase in % of pupils reporting that the school deals well with bullying from xx% to xx% (pupil perception survey)
- Targeted: Increase in % of pupils reporting that the school deals well with bullying from xx% to xx% (pupil perception survey)
Emotional health and wellbeing 2
- Increase the number of C/YP accessing support systems for their emotional needs in school from xx to xx
- Decrease in the number of incidents at playtime from xx to xx
- Increase in the number of C/YP who feel systems are in place to support their emotional needs from xx to xx
- Increase number of children who feel they have a voice in school from xx to xx
- Increase the number of identified C/YP reporting that they feel better able to manage their emotions from xx to xx
- Reduction in the number of playtime incidents for identified children displaying emotional difficulties from xx to xx
Healthy weight - Food
- Increase the number of children who have developed cooking and related skills as a result of attending the Let's get cooking club'
- Increase the number of children reporting that they understand a balanced lifestyle and make decisions that reflect this from xx to xx
- Increase the healthier choices made by children who made unhealthy food choices from xx to xx
Health Weight Food 2 (MS Word, 490 Kb)
Healthy weight - Physical activity (Move it boom)
- Quantitative: The majority (X%) of pupils attending school participate in the 'Move it Boom' campaign 2016
- Qualitative: The majority (X%) of pupils participating in the campaign report that they are enjoying participating in the physical activities
- Targeted: X % of participating pupils complete all 8 activity types and achieve an online certificate for winning the mission
Healthy weight - Physical activity (School travel)
- Increase the number of children actively travelling to school from xx to xx
- Increase the number of children reporting feeling safe on the journey to school from xx to xx
- Increase the number of overweight /obese children choosing to walk or cycle to school from xx to xx
Healthy weight - Promoting a healthy weight
- To increase the number of C/YP participating in xx hours and more physical activity from XX to XX
- To increase the number of C/YP who report that they enjoyed participating in physical activity from XX to XX.
- Increase in participation in physical activity of children /YP who do not currently participate from xx to xx
Healthy weight - Food for life
- Quantitative: Increase the number of children having a healthy school dinner from X to XX
- Quantitative: Increase the number of balanced meal choices made by children/young people from X to XX
- Qualitative: Increase the number of children reporting that they enjoy the school meal from X to XX
- Targeted: Increase the number of eligible children taking up a free school meal from xx to xx
Healthy Weight (Food For Life) (MS Word, 518 Kb)
Sexual health - Secondary
- Quantitative: Increase the number of pupils accessing support from school re health related issues - Or- Decrease the number of YP with a positive result of an STI (Chlamydia Screening)
- Quantitative: Increase the number of pupils who report they are receiving relevant; age appropriate and helpful RSE from xx to xx
- Targeted: Increase the number of regular poor attendees/looked after children/ children with poor attainment who have an appropriate RSE component in their IEP from xx to xx
Sexual Health Secondary (MS Word, 501 Kb)
- Quantitative: Decrease the numbers of young people who smoke from xx to xx
- Qualitative: Increase the number of Young People who have a realistic perception of the social norm regarding young people's attitude & behaviour towards smoking
- Targeted: Increase the number of identified Young People attending a Stop Smoking Group within school from xx% to xx%
- Increase the number of identified students who report living in a smoke free home
Substance misuse - Primary
- There is an increase in the number of children achieving specified outcomes in relation to Drug, alcohol and tobacco education/PSHE
- An increase in the number of children from x% to x% , who report that they find it easy to talk to their parents about drugs and alcohol, whilst parents say they feel more informed and confident to discuss this issue.
- To increase the number of children identified as being affected by drug and alcohol issues and appropriately supported and/or referred
Substance Misuse (Primary Schools) (MS Word, 489 Kb)
Teenage pregnancy - Primary
- There is an increase in the number of children achieving specified outcomes in relation to Relationships & Sex Education /PSHE
- An increase in the number of children from x% to x% , who report that they find it easy to talk to their parents about growing up/puberty and relationships whilst parents say they feel more informed and confident to discuss this issue.
- Increase the number of identified C/YP reporting that they feel better able to manage their relationships/friendships from xx to xx
Teenage Pregnancy (Primary Schools) (MS Word, 489 Kb)
Teenage pregnancy
- Increase the number of pupils accessing support from school based health services/ community safer sex project from xx to xx
- Increase the number of pupils who report they are receiving relevant; age appropriate and helpful RSE from xx to xx
- Increase the number of regular poor attendees/looked after children/ children with poor attainment who have an appropriate RSE component in their IEP from xx to xx
Teenage Pregnancy (MS Word, 500 Kb)