Healthy School Rating Scheme

Healthy School Rating Scheme

The DfE has just launched the New healthy School Rating Scheme which is part of the childhood obesity plan with a focus on healthy eating and physical activity. This scheme does NOT replace the local Healthy Schools Programme. We are in the process of incorporating the rating scheme criteria into the Whole School Review. This will mean when schools submit their Whole School Reviews, they can also include criteria when they complete the Active Lives Children and Young People Survey. After completing the survey, each participating school a bespoke report, summarising their results from the survey. The report covers measures of children's activities levels, physical literacy levels as well as their Healthy Schools Rating.

The healthy schools rating scheme is a self-assessment tool designed to help schools improve the health and well-being of their pupils.

The healthy schools rating scheme is a voluntary scheme for schools that recognises and encourages their contribution to supporting pupils' health and wellbeing.

Schools will be able to determine how well they are promoting healthy eating and physical activity by completing a self-assessment and receiving a rating based on their answers.

They will receive an award for their performance, and information on how they might improve their healthy living policies.

Schools can use the award to show parents how they have performed.

Schools then receive a rating ( Bronze/ silver/ Gold) depending on the answers and will be sent a Certificate

Schools can show parents/ wider community the level that they have achieved and share with Ofsted!

The document itself includes useful links to Resources including:

Whole School Approach to Food

Range of Nutrition Resources

School Food Standards

Walk to School


The Scheme is open to all schools participating in the Active Lives Children & Young People Survey. Click here to download a copy of the Healthy Schools Rating Scheme guidance