PEAK - Understanding & Managing Risk

PEAK - Understanding & Managing Risk

Recruitment for the 2018/19 Academic Year

We are pleased to announce that we are opening recruitment for the second year of the PEAK Programme.

Open to state-maintained and state-funded (academy) primary and secondary schools under the Leicestershire County Council local authority, PEAK is an exciting new fully-funded public health programme delivered as part of the Leicestershire Healthy Schools Programme (LHSP) that supports you and your school in respect to one of the following topics:

Drugs | Alcohol | Tobacco | Relationships

With statutory health education on the horizon, now is the right time to get involved.

Step 1
Choose a Topic

Schools will be supported to choose a topic based on Senior Leadership Team input and a pupil / student survey.

Step 2
Assembly & Short Film

We will deliver an assembly to a year group of your choice on your chosen topic to help pupils / students understand and manage risk using an engaging and interactive game show style. A small number of participating schools will be provided with the opportunity to make a short film on their topic.

Step 3
Staff CPD Session

We will deliver a training session to your staff on risk-taking and the adolescent brain. This session includes practical strategies on how to support your pupils / students understand and manage their risk-taking behaviour, and an overview of the whole-school approach and how it can be applied to your topic using examples from the experts and other schools.

Step 4
Signposting to LHSP Training and Materials

We will signpost you to other relevant Leicestershire Healthy Schools Programme fully-funded training and resources that support the implementation of PEAK. You will also receive a free copy of the Christopher Winter Project resource for your chosen topic (RRP £125 + VAT).

Step 5
Complete a LHSP School Story template to evidence your programme through PEAK, the activities that took place and the outcomes achieved to receive your Enhanced LHSP status

By your involvement in this exciting and innovative project your school is demonstrating its commitment to improving the health, wellbeing and attainment of your pupils."

Jane Roberts
Strategic Public Health Commissioner
Leicestershire County Council

For further information and enquiries -