Supporting LGBT young people

Schools play a vital role in supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) young people.

As around 6% of the UK population (3.9 million people) may identify as LGBT, each school is likely to have 2 lesbian, gay or bisexual pupils per class and one trans young person per year group.

LGBT young people may worry that those around them will react negatively to who they are and often experience high levels of bullying in school. Creating an inclusive environment is a key part of making LGBT young people feel welcome and valued at school.

The law is clear that schools must meet the needs of all LGBT young people and tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying. It is important that RSE meets the needs of all young people.

Schools can help create an inclusive environment in which LGBT young people will feel safe, happy and fulfil their potential if they:

  • Take a whole school approach to tackling HBT bullying and language
  • Challenge gender stereotypes from an early age
  • Ensure LGBT people and different families form part of inclusive RSE and other curriculum areas
  • Make LGBT people visible in aspects of school life including library books, positive posters and special events
  • Work with other schools and organisations to meet the needs of pupils, including the provision of information and support

All staff, not just LGBT staff, can be important role models for all young people by talking positively about LGBT people.

Local support

The Leicestershire Healthy Schools Programme works very closely with the Leicestershire County Council Anti Bullying Team to address the needs of LGBT pupils.

Useful resources

An introduction to supporting LGBT young people: a guide for schools (Stonewall)

Stonewall information and resources for schools

Stonewall primary reading list

Stonewall secondary reading list

Inspiring Equality in Education: School Resource (EACH, 2016)

Stonewall no bystanders video and campaign