Growing in schools

Growing in schools

Growing in schools

Growing and gardening are not only a great way to show children where their five-a-day come from, but also have fantastic benefits for our mental health. Gardening is of course a physical challenge too, involving lots of activities such as digging, raking and lifting, all of which help us to maintain our physical strength and fitness.

Many schools link their growing and cooking activities, to use the produce grown in gardens, containers and polytunnels in dishes cooked during curriculum or extra-curricular clubs. Some have incorporated produce grown at school into the kitchen as part of their school meals provision. There's even potential for school produce fayres and farmers markets. The possibilities are endless!

Growing and wellbeing

Extensive research has been carried out, documenting the benefits of ecotherapy. A study commissioned by Mind, the mental health charity, has found that there is significant impact on psychological wellbeing, by "enhancing mood and self-esteem, while reducing feelings of anger, confusion, depression and tension." You can read the research report.

Health professionals are now directing to a prescribing ecotherapies to support patients with mental ill-health, which include conservation and gardening activities.

Curriculum links

Growing can be linked to all aspects of the curriculum in a practical way and with the benefit of working in the fresh air.

Art and Design - Creating decorative art for the garden; living willow structures.

Design and Technology - Constructing of raised beds and planters; garden landscape design and planning

English - Poetry; keeping a nature journal; instruction writing, persuasive writing.

Geography - Exploring foods grown around the world, climates, growing conditions.

History - Food production from significant periods in time; historic tools and garden machinery.

ICT - Recording and analysing crop data.

Maths - Calculating dimensions and soil volumes, crop yields, measurements, counting.

Languages - Garden vocabulary.

PSHE - Healthy eating links; mental health and wellbeing benefits; healthy recipes.

Science - Composting; recycling; food chains and webs; photosynthesis; pollination and plant production; soil testing.

Environmental education

Schools wishing to make a positive contribution to the environment can register, together with their pupils, to become an Eco School.

Useful resources