All schools have an important role in addressing this issue through their programmes of PSHE education.
The importance of PSHE education in helping to keep children safe was highlighted in the Ofsted reportThe sexual exploitation of children: it couldn't happen here, could it? (November 2014).
A commitment from senior management and school governors is needed to ensure the issue of CSE is addressed in an appropriate and supportive way. Linking the teaching of PSHE education with relevant school policies, including: relationships and sex education, e-safety, anti-bullying and child protection will help ensure clear links with the whole school ethos.
Key messages about healthy relationships can be taught to all ages to explore topics such as friendships, appropriate touch, keeping safe, consent, recognising and assessing risk and knowing how and where to get help.
A recent Cochrane review found evidence that school-based sexual abuse prevention programmes were effective in increasing participants' skills in protective behaviours and knowledge of sexual abuse prevention concepts. Knowledge gains were not significantly eroded one to six months after the intervention.
Partnership working with organisations including NSPCC, and Brook has provided a specific focus on keeping children safe from abuse and exploitation.
Chelsea's Choice
A trailer for the play can be seen here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAo8Yly8rFk&feature=youtu.be
Other useful documents
Barnardo's parent/carer leaflet CSE
Barnardo's young people leaflet CSE
NSPCC Underwear rule and PANTS
NSPCC Underwear rule for children
NSPCC Underwear rule for parents
UK Safer Internet Centre Responding to Sexting
Say Something
'Say Something' is a national service for young people to report sexual exploitation (from July 2015)