Beyond Bullying
Beyond Bullying Award for schools
The 'Beyond Bullying Award' is an excellent way
for your school to gain accreditation and recognition for its achievements in embedding
effective anti-bullying practice.
The Beyond Bullying Website gives information how schools can achieve the award in this academic year. For further information, please contact either Sue Bosley on 0116 3055125 or Caroline Harbison on 0116 3055124
Bullying can happen to anyone at any age. Being bullied at school, home or online might involve someone being pushed, teased, talked about or called names. Childline has information on how to stay safe from bullying, and how not to be a bully.
Bullying UK
Family Lives is a national family support charity providing help and support in all aspects of family life. They have lots of advice, support and forums at their website and have pages of information about bullying in school.
Anti-bullying Alliance
The Anti-bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals working together to stop bullying and create safe environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. A section of their website is dedicated to resources for schools. The ABA also coordinate Anti-Bullying Week activities each year.
Kidscape provide training, support and advice to children, parents, schools and those in professional contact with young people, enabling them to gain knowledge and develop the confidence and skills to challenge abuse and bullying in all its forms. Kidscape have produced resources and lesson plans cover a range of topics surrounding the issues of bullying, online and personal safety. There is a range of material that can be used directly by young people and parents within the home, as well as classroom resources to be used by professionals within schools and youth organisations.
The NSPCC are the leading children's charity in the UK, specialising in child protection and dedicated to the fight for every childhood. They are the only UK children's charity with statutory powers and which means they can take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse. Information on their website about Bullying and Cyber-bullying, research and resources can be found here.
The Diana Award Campaign
The Diana Award's Anti-Bullying Campaign involves a number of different projects aimed at reducing bullying in schools. One of their main projects is the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors programme which has trained over 15,000 young people across the UK to lead on anti-bullying campaigns in their schools. See more here
Respect Me
Respect me is Scotland's anti-bullying service that provides advice and support for adults and young people. There is information on their website for teachers and parents about how to keep children and young people safe from bullying
Stonewall delivers training to teachers through Train the Trainer courses. These courses give pastoral, anti-bullying and PSHE leads the knowledge, tools and confidence to train colleagues on tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and celebrating difference, as well as meeting the requirement of the new Ofsted inspection framework. Stonewall also produce resources including lesson plans and DVDs for primary and secondary schools.
Cybersmile Foundation
The Cybersmile Foundation is a multi award winning anti cyberbullying non-profit organization. They are committed to tackling all forms of digital abuse and bullying online, and working to promote diversity and inclusion by building a safer, more positive digital community.
R Time
R time (Relationships to Improve Education) is an exciting, dynamic, fun-filled Personal and Social Education programme. The emphasis is upon creating effective, respectful relationships by way of Random Pair work. R time has been shown to improve behaviour, reduce bullying, raise self-esteem and accelerate learning.
The programme is for all Early Years Foundation Stage and Primary aged children of all abilities. It is a whole-school, every pupil programme – all children will benefit and so will the adults working with them.
Negotiate is an extension of R time aimed at Key Stage 3 pupils. Each 15-20 minute weekly session requires cooperation with a randomly chosen partner. Fundamental to Negotiate is the expectation and use of good manners, appropriate body language and courtesy, whilst students are engaged in mutually respectful and productive dialogue.
PSHE Association
A fantastic source of information and resources, the PSHE Association produces resources, hosts external resources that you can use with confidence, as they have been through a rigourous process of achieving their Quality Assurance Mark. They also signpost resources that fall outside of these categories, though many of the resources will prove useful to your practice.
Show Racism The Red Card
The Show Racism the Red Card resource is for use from Year 4 upwards and focuses predominantly on racism in football, but also covers information:
To educate learners about the causes and consequences of racism.• To increase understanding of issues of equality and diversity.• To familiarise learners and educators with a range of information and skills that will enable them to challenge negative stereotypes, prejudicial attitudes and racism.• To encourage respect for the differences between people regardless of skin colour, nationality, religion and culture.• To promote involvement as active responsible citizens in an increasingly diverse society.
Tackling Islamophobia in Schools
This resource has been developed by the Children's Commissioner for Wales and consists of three lesson plans, designed for secondary schools, to help increase awareness of Islamophobia, tackle common myths and misconceptions about Islam, and present the real life experiences of young Muslims in Wales. The Tackling Islamophobia teacher notes and presentation can be found here.